Selfie-Wahn prägt das Körperbild

Cosmetic surgeon Artur Worseg in an interview about the dissatisfaction with the outside, the dignity of old age and Botox.

17.03.2019 Alexandra Grass, Wiener Zeitung

Vienna. 24 billion selfies are 24 billion opportunities to compare ourselves to others. What latent disconcertion with one’s own exterior can foment like wind the fire.? – In his new book, Your nose can not help it. How to save ourselves from the beauty craze? The Plastic Surgeon Artur Worseg pillories the social media and recommends the return to the inner self and taking time as an alternative to surgery. The “Wiener Zeitung” in conversation with the – also from television – well-known beauty doctor.

Wiener Zeitung: Nose, lip, breasts, butt are always an issue – Why is man ever dissatisfied with his appearance?

Artur Worseg: Every human being has an ideal idea of ​​his body. If this does not correspond to the real idea for oneself, then he is dissatisfied – with all accompanying phenomena. That’s the body image. By this one understands less, as I look, but how I feel, when I look at myself. This can trigger dissatisfaction.

In your book, you write: Plastic surgery is the treatment of a symptom. But where is the cause?

Where this body picture disorder comes from, you do not know exactly. It may also be in the past. You do not feel well and fix it on the body. Or the other way around. It certainly also relates to one’s own story: stupid remarks in the school or by the parents can still have an effect years later. Today, this dissatisfaction is believed to be compounded by social media. The selfie generation communicates above all in pictures, which can have a negative effect on one’s own body image. These are all things that can increase dissatisfaction or bring it back to life.

On Instagram, Facebook and Co., people put themselves in the spotlight every day – is that even more dangerous?

There are already some studies that show that this eternal comparison with others who only put themselves in the best light helps to focus more on their appearance. These are always only the best pictures that are shown there, and not the worst.

Almost half of all women and men who consult a cosmetic surgeon show signs of mental disorder. Does the desire for change exactly result from this or does the psychological stress result from the fact that one does not feel well? So hen or egg?

It’s certainly somewhere in the middle. Psychopathological abnormalities can of course affect the body. Conversely, dissatisfaction causes you to choose a part of your body that you do not like. Tipping you in can trigger depression or withdrawal. I can not say what was before.

Is there an alternative to cosmetic surgery?

Definitely take time. I feel that many are quick to find a solution if they are dissatisfied. Often it is about separation phases, problems in the relationship or in the workplace. Then the focus is often on the body. You feel bad and think that a change can solve these problems. That does not work. Therefore, if you are not feeling well, take your time.

The hair gray, off to the barber, wrinkles on the face, off to the Botox syringe. Does dignified aging no longer have any place in society?

No, currently not much. Age is something negative with us. But that is related to society. This is also our own fault, the baby boomers. We want to be eternally young, keep ourselves young and present ourselves young, instead of becoming our age-appropriate. If old age loses its dignity and aging people lose their dignity, then one should not be surprised at the development. It’s different in other societies, but age has no place here.

What can we say or give to youth today?

We will not be able to give much to the youth, only to us. Because time has already overtaken many things. But it is precisely the young people who are at risk – namely through communication, which is increasingly reduced to image and text. Much is lost. In a personal conversation, we perceive the aura, the gesture and the smell – one gets a completely different impression of the other person. This should be learned again – even by the younger generation. If you are more concerned with others away from watching and posting again, the focus is elsewhere. In the past, people also communicated much more along the way – for example when shopping. Again and again you had nice experiences. That made the day. That falls away today. The more one deals with oneself, the more one will find what is not good for one.

To what extent has the beauty ideal changed over the years?

It has become a bit wider. I see that as a positive side of the social media stories. A beauty ideal such as thin, blond and blue-eyed, there is no longer today, because many different ideals are transported through the media. One hatgern a thicker Popo, the other big lips. At the same time, however, there are also trends such as “Be like you are” or “Look – how you look is good”. Much watered down.

Are there trends? Is Botox the new black?

Botox is certainly number one. However, one has to distinguish between those who choose the scalpel and consciously expose themselves to any risks or fears of being under pressure and those who want to fill their wrinkles. They are also different people. Botox is safe today as cosmetics or hair dye.

How far can cosmetic surgery go?

That is at the discretion of who does it and not who wants it, otherwise there is no end. Beauty medicine is often referred to as desired medicine. I wish something and you do. But dream medicine is responsibility medicine. The more medicine is unnecessary, the greater the responsibility of the doctor. Patients are often like children – they wish and wish and wish.

You advise against the scalpel …

Discouraging may not be the right term, but considering whether you are the right one. For doctors are dissatisfied patients who expect everything to be fine again

will not be pleasant patients either. These are the people who come again and again, are always dissatisfied – even with the result. Each of us is well advised, if he does not attack them at all. Maybe give you some nice words or show alternatives.

Your personal advice for these people?

Point one: thinking, why do I want to do that. Point two: Take your time, think and let the wish grow. Point three: Choose a doctor where the energy is right.